open account 60 days

A "Prox 60" payment term means that the clock on invoice aging starts at the end of a given month rather than upon actual receipt of the invoice. Example: ACME… Widget's AR department invoices customer SlyFox, Inc. weekly for goods and servi

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  • Time of Payment •As agreed between a buyer and seller, net 15, 30, 60 day terms, etc., fro...
    Methods of PaymentOpen Account - Wikiversity
  • 60 days open account是什么意思open account是赊账的意思,意指你出完货后先把单据给客户,客户提到货后,什么时候卖完,什么是否付你钱。此种贸易风险极大,...
    60 days open account是什么意思 - 百度知道 - 全球最大中文互动 ...
  • Chapter 5 Open Account A n open account transaction means that the goods are shipped and d...
    Chapter 5 Open Account - International Trade Administration ...
  • A "Prox 60" payment term means that the clock on invoice aging starts at the end...
    What is meant by payment term OA 60 days - ...
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  • open account中文:往來帳目;清算帳戶;未清帳;往來賬戶;賒賬;未結算的帳目;未結算的賬目…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋open account的中文翻譯,open a...
    open account中文翻譯,open account是什麼意思:往來帳目;清算帳 ...
  • What is Open account? This is a method of settling payment for trade transactions. The sup...
    Open account: What is Open account? Trading Terms Glossary, ...
  • Definition of Open account: A payment term under which the buyer promises to pay the selle...
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  • I am working for trading company and will have a negociation with my client about panyment...
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